Friday, February 19, 2010

From the NY Times but about the Bay Area

This link will take you to a blog post written by Michelle Quinn, a concerned mother from the SF East Bay. She ponders: Is Urban Cycling Getting Safer? Well written, well thought out, I'd say.


Jim Thurber said...

The more cyclists on the road the safer it will become - statistically speaking. A few thoughts thou: Always try to remain visible. Wear bright colored clothing and display bright lights after dark (good lights!). Always use a rear view mirror. Search for roads that are lightly travelled or have good bicycle lanes. Convince more people to ride - the more the merrier (and safer).

And despite my own actions, don't ride drunk.

Khal said...

Ride smart. A lot of the crashes I read about involve people riding clueless. Of course, the rest are caused by people driving clueless.