Saturday, May 15, 2010

Fun to look at....

Here, in PDF form, is a newsy item about the Roadeo, a sorta-light, lugged steel, club-ride bicycle from Rivendell. I'm not selling Roadeos but I do like the look of this one. The nice orange example in the photos is handsome despite a few homely components. How 'bout that fork, huh?

As some of you will know, Grant Petersen of Rivendell has fallen off his bicycle and broken his thumb. He is typing in a limited fashion these days -- in his ee cummings period, he says.

Even if you love your Scott or Cervelo, an occasional look at the Rivendell site will remind you that there is more than one way to do this cycling thing.

Added later: Another Roadeo, this one a bit more sanitary. If you check this one out, scroll down and look at the waterproof shoe


James Thurber said...

Rivendell bikes are lovely - gorgeous frames and easy to spot. NOTHING looks as good as a Rivendell. My favorite is the Bombadil but the Roadeo is very nice, too.

No longer built in Japan - now Wisconsin and likely to be moving to Taiwan in the near future (Taiwan builds VERY stout bike frames, good quality).

Three stars for Rivendell.

Khal said...

Nice looking frame and I like the choice of steel steerer tube for the purpose of more spacers, plenty of clearance for wide tires and fenders, and the ability to put a frisbee rather than a corncob in back for a cogset. That's pretty much why my favorite bike frames are becoming cross frames, by the way. At least as long as I live here in the mountains.