Monday, August 10, 2009

Where have you gone, Alexi Grewal....?

This two-part piece from the Orange County (CA) Register gives us a peek at Alexi today. Click on the link at the beginning of part one to see part two.

It troubles me that Alexi's not better known here in CO where he lives. He won the Olympic road race in southern Cal; hence the media attention, I suppose.

I've seen Alexi behave badly and heard stories about his stubborn weirdness, but I've always liked him. I don't believe he does any of the outrageous things he does for effect. He's totally himself and nothing like anyone else. If he says he feels called to minister to his flock...I believe him.


sda said...

Nice find Maynard - I'd vote for him if I lived down there.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, Grewal never felt good after winning the Olympic gold medal, the highest rung on the non-pro (at the time) cycling ladder. Maybe because he cheated? The Olympic gods have taken revenge on Alexi it would seem. Hard to feel sorry for an unrepentant cheater no matter how "nice" a guy he might be nowadays. He'll spend the rest of his life trying to do good to make up for the bad he did before. At best he'll break even.

sda said...

anonymous commenter is ... anonymous.

alex said...

to the anonymous.Since when is it o.k. to approve or disapprove which professional cyclist cheated or not.Seems more like a supporter to the culture of discrimination.Grewal's only shortcoming was his potential violent behavior which cost him a brilliant career.